
Revision Basic 4 Angles 4

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  • Complete the sentence: She / find her keys this morning
    She FOUND her keys this morning
  • Complete: He is...
  • What is the correct option: "Jason! C'mon, walk QUICKLY / QUICK!" ?
  • Put the question in order: camera / for / is / what / this ?
    What is this camera for?
  • What is the correct option: "This situation is so ANNOYED / ANNOYING!" ?
  • What is this for? Answer using FOR
    I use it FOR listenING to music.
  • What is the correct option: "They are FAST / FASTLY!" ?
  • What is the correct option: "Alissa looks DISGUSTING / DISGUSTED!" ?
  • How are they (in order)?
    Thirsty, Lonely, Excited, Full, Sick, Bored and Tired
  • Make 2 predictions for the future of humans and robots.
    will / going to
  • Give 5 examples of things you can do with photos.
    Comment, Delete, Download, Edit, Post, Print, Send, Take...
  • Is this question correct: "What time you leave home this morning?" ?
    No. What time DID you leave home this morning?
  • Complete the sentence: He / win any match in the Olympic games (not)
    He DIDN'T WIN any match in the Olympic games
  • What is the correct option: "You need to listen PATIENT / PATIENTLY!" ?
  • Complete the question: you / buy a new phone yesterday ?
    DID you BUY a new phone yesterday?
  • Complete: She is...
  • Is this sentence correct: "Tell me about something you buy this week." ?
    No. Tell me about something you BOUGHT this week.
  • Is this question correct: "When did be the last time you participated in a competition?" ?
    No. When WAS the last time you participated in a competition?
  • What is the correct option: "It LOOKS / LOOKS LIKE SpongeBob." ?
  • Is this question correct: "Where did you met your best friend?" ?
    No. Where did you mEEt your best friend?
  • Give 5 examples of things you can use your mobile phone for. Use TO.
  • Complete: Wonder Woman ... as fast as she could.
    Wonder Woman WAS RUNNING as fast as she could.
  • Complete: He is...
  • Complete: Black Panther ... really high!
    Black Panther WAS JUMPING really high!
  • What is the correct option: "This cat LOOKS / LOOKS LIKE funny!" ?