
How's It Gonna Be?

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  • What are you going to do?
    I'm going to go skateboarding. I have a skateboard and a helmet.
  • How's the weather going to be this weekend?
    It's going to be foggy this weekend.
  • How's the weather going to be tomorrow?
    It's going to be cool tomorrow.
  • What are you going to do?
    I'm going to go fishing. I have a fishing rod and a bucket.
  • What are you going to do?
    I'm going to play baseball. I have a mitt and a hat.
  • How's the weather going to be on Friday?
    It's going to be humid on Friday.
  • What are you going to do?
    I'm going to play tennis. I have a tennis racket and a tennis ball.
  • How's the weather going to be on Monday?
    It's going to be warm on Monday.