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  • TAG QUESTIONS - Nobody's missing today....?
    Are they?
  • I’ve always dreamed of......
    (verb + ing) .....
  • How do you and your family celebrate Christmas?
  • What similarities and differences are there between young people and their parents in terms of their upbringing, habits, and lifestyles?
  • Talk about your worst eating out experience.
  • What will you be doing next Saturday at around this time?
    I (think I) will be.....
  • How long have you been studying English?
    I have been studying English for / since....
  • INDIRECT QUESTIONS - What time does the bank open?
    (Do you know) what time the bank opens?
  • Gerund or Infinitive? - My parents always encouraged me _____ (save) for a rainy day.
    to save
  • What's your favorite food? How often do you eat it? Can you cook it?
  • AGREEING - I am interested in politics.
    So am I
  • Have, Make or Take? - ________ money / a living / sense
  • What were you doing when you first met your best friend?
    (I was...when we met)
  • Will you have finished your English course by the year 2023?
    Yes, I will have / No, I won't have.
  • Are you a romantic person? What would you do to celebrate your 5th wedding anniversary?
  • Explain the following proverb: "When one is prepared, difficulties do not come."
  • Talk about a wedding ceremony you have been to.
  • If I hadn’t come to this English class today, …I ......
    would have.....
  • "Its difficult for me ......"
    to ....
  • Are first impressions important to you? Why?
    (Yes.... Because...)
  • If you governed your country, What would you ban / tax?
    If I governed my country, I would......
  • Reported Speech: MOM: "What did you buy?"
    Mom asked me what I bought / I had bought.
  • With your own words, explain the metaphor: "Food for Thought"
  • When was the last time you splashed out on clothes, on a meal, on a gift, etc.? What did you buy?