
Stative verbs

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  • . A: Where’s Luke? // B: He _____________ (see) the doctor now.
    is seeing
  • I _____________ (not / think) that’s a good idea.
    don't think
  • She _____________ (not / be) a doctor.
  • I _____________ (not / see) anything. The telescope doesn't work. 
    don't see
  • He _____________ (have) a party at the weekend.
    is having
  • A: How’s the cake? // B: It _____________ (taste) funny.
  • My husband _____________ (always / taste) the food while I’m cooking! It’s very annoying.
    is always tasting
  • This coffee _____________ (not / taste) right.
    doesn't taste
  • A: What _____________ (you / do)? // B: I _____________ (think) about the test last week.
    are you doing/ 'm thinking
  • A: What _____________ (that child / do)? // B: He _____________ (be) silly.
    is that child doing/ is being
  • _____________ (you / have) a good time at the moment?
    Are you having
  • The waiter _____________ (taste) the wine now.
    is tasting
  • The chef always _____________ (taste) the food before he serves it.
  • A: Achoo! // B: Bless you! _____________ (you / have) a cold?
    Do you have
  • She ______(have) a bath every evening.
  • It _____________ (be) cold today.