
B1 First Conditional and Unless

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  • Complete the sentence: Ask me if you _________ (not know) what to do.
    Ask me if you don't know what to do.
  • Complete the sentence: Don't write anything unless you _____ (be) sure of the answer.
    Don't write anything unless you are sure of the answer.
  • If or unless: ___ I meet him, I'll tell him what happened.
    If I meet him, I'll tell him what happened.
  • Complete the sentence: That girl _______ (get) into trouble if she doesn't wear her uniform.
    That girl will get into trouble if she doesn't wear her uniform.
  • If or unless: The teacher will be furious ___ you don't do the homework.
    The teacher will be furious if you don't do the homework.
  • Make the sentence with if: work hard / pass the exam
    If you work hard, you will pass the exam.
  • Make the sentence with if: The teacher / be pleased / we / late for class.
    The teacher won't be very pleased if we are late for class.
  • If or unless: ____ you exercise regularly, you'll lose some weight.
    If you exercise regularly, you'll lose some weight.
  • Make the sentence with if: I / fail / my exams / take them again next year.
    If I fail my exams, I'll take them again next year.
  • If or unless: ______ you exercise regularly, you won't lose weight.
    Unless you exercise regularly, you won't lose weight.
  • If or unless: We'll arrive on time ___ we hurry.
    We'll arrive on time if we hurry.
  • Complete the sentence: Call me if you ________ (need) some help with your project.
    Call me if you need some help with your project.
  • If or unless: You can't go on holiday ___ you don't save some money.
    You can't go on holiday if you don't save some money.
  • Complete the sentence: I _________ (not go out) tonight unless I finish my homework quickly.
    I won't go out tonight unless I finish my homework quickly.
  • Make the sentence using unless: Alison / get into university / get good grades.
    Alison won't get into university unless she gets good grades.
  • Complete the sentence: If you give in the homework late, the teacher _________ (mark) it.
    If you give in the homework late, the teacher won't mark it.
  • Complete the sentence: Johnny will be punished if he __________ (shout) at the teacher again.
    Johnny will be punished if he shouts at the teacher again.
  • Complete the sentence: My sister ________ (finish) university if she passes all her exams.
    My sister will finish university if she passes all her exams.
  • Complete the sentence: They'll be late for school unless they _____ (hurry).
    They'll be late for school unless they hurry.
  • If or unless: You will feel cold ____ you wear a warm jacket.
    You will feel cold unless you wear a warm jacket.
  • If or unless: Don't call me ____ it's an emergency.
    Don't call me unless it's an emergency.
  • If or unless: ______ you help me, I won't be able to do it.
    Unless you help me, I won't be able to do it.
  • Complete the sentence: Gary will be expelled if his behaviour _________ (not improve).
    Gary will be expelled if his behavious doesn't improve.
  • If or unless: You won't get well ____ you stop smoking.
    You won't get well unless you stop smoking.