
Everyone Speak! Kids 2 - Units 1 and 2

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  • How are you?
    I'm hungry.
    I'm happy.
    I'm hungry.
    I'm thirsty.
  • How are you?
    I'm tired.
    I'm angry.
    I'm hungry.
    I'm bored.
  • How's the weather?
    It's sunny.
    It's cloudy.
    It's raining. (It's rainy.)
    It's snowing. (It's snowy.)
  • How are you?
    I'm bored.
    I'm tired.
    I'm angry.
    I'm hungry.
  • How's the weather?
    It's raining. (It's rainy.)
    It's snowing. (It's snowy.)
    It's cloudy.
    It's sunny.
  • How are you?
    I'm hungry.
    I'm sad.
    I'm thirsty.
    I'm angry.
  • How's the weather?
    It's hot.
    It's cold.
    It's warm.
    It's windy.
  • How are you?
    I'm hungry.
    I'm angry.
    I'm tired.
    I'm bored.
  • How's the weather?
    It's snowing. (It's snowy.)
    It's sunny.
    It's raining. (It's rainy.)
    It's cloudy.
  • How's the weather?
    It's raining. (It's rainy.)
    It's cloudy.
    It's sunny.
    It's snowing. (It's snowy.)
  • How's the weather?
    It's windy.
    It's warm.
    It's hot.
    It's cold.
  • How's the weather? (Hint: It's not rainy. It's not cloudy.)
    It's stormy.
  • How's the weather?
    It's windy.
    It's cold.
    It's warm.
    I'm hot.
  • How's the weather?
    I'm windy.
    It's warm.
    It's cold.
    It's hot.
  • How are you?
    I'm hungry.
    I'm tired.
    I'm sad.
    I'm angry.
  • How are you?
    I'm hungry.
    I'm sad.
    I'm angry.
    I'm happy.
  • How are you?
    I'm bored.
    I'm excited.
    I'm thirsty.
    I'm tired.