
The Flying Carpet - Roderick Hunt

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  • Who put the boy King in the tower?
    The wicked uncle
  • After the boy King is safe, what does the mother do?
    She attacks the wicked uncle
  • The Uncle tries to escape, but what happens?
    The carpet goes and catches him
  • Where did the boy King's mother go?
    to the mountains with her army
  • What does the boy King give the Kipper and Biff?
    a beautiful camel
  • Who did Biff and Kipper find in the tower?
    The boy King
  • Why doesn't the mother want to attack the wicked uncle?
    because she is afraid he will hurt her son.
  • How did Biff and Kipper start their adventure?
    The key began to glow
  • How do Biff and Kipper help the boy King?
    They help him escape from the tower with the magic carpet.
  • Why don't the people like the wicked uncle?
    He makes them pay money
  • Why did Biff need to buy a new carpet?
    The old one had a big hole in it.
  • How did Biff get a new carpet?
    She asked her dad to buy it for her.