
Summer Olympic Riddles

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  • In these games, two teams of seven players try to throw a ball into a net. You could say it's like soccer with your hands instead of your feet. What is it?
  • These are the only events that involve animals. Riders compete with their horses in a variety of competitions. What is it?
  • Athletes race against each other in a big circle while riding a bike. What is it?
  • This water event is different than swimming or diving. They look like they are playing volleyball/soccer in the pool. What is it?
    Water Polo
  • This sport requires each athlete to hit a ball over a net. They do this by using a racket. Sometimes when they hit the ball, they yell. What is it?
  • In this sport, a team of athletes sit in a boat and use oars to paddle as fast as they can to beat the other boats. What is it?
  • The smallest splash earns more points in this event. Athletes jump from a platform or a board into the water. Sometimes they twist in the air. What is it?
  • This sport is new to the 2020/21 Olympics. Athletes ride a board with wheels and perform tricks and stunts. What is it?
  • In these events, the goal is to be the fastest person to the finish line. The athletes do this a few different ways;  freestyle, backstroke, butterfly and breaststroke. What is it?
  • This event involves 5 sports. Athletes must compete in each of the five challenges; fencing, swimming, equestrian jumping, shooting and running. What is it?
  • Two people try to pin each other to a mat in this sport. There is a referee that watches them to make sure each athlete is following the rules. What is it?
  • Athletes have to be very strong to compete in this sport. Each person tries to lift a bar with heavy plates on the ends. What is it?
  • Athletes in this sport use a bow to shoot an arrow at a target. The closest to the middle of the cirlce wins. What is it?
  • In this sport, athletes compete in many events. Some perform on the rings, a balance beam or uneven bars. Others run around on a mat doing jumps and flips. What is it?
  • These athletes perform a dance in the water. They wear beautiful costumes designed just for these events. What is it?
    Artistic Swimming (Synchronized Swimming)
  • Two athletes compete against each other using swords. Don't worry, they aren't trying to hurt each other. They wear special uniforms to protect themselves. What is it?
  • In this sport, athletes use little paddles to hit a little white ball back and forth. Sometimes it's so fast you can't see the ball. What is it?
    Table Tennis / Ping Pong
  • In this sport, each athlete throws a long stick as far as they can. The stick has a point at the end so it can stick into the ground. What is it?
  • This sport is new to the 2020/21 Summer Olympics. Each athlete stands on a board and rides the waves. They have to try not to fall off. What is it?
  • In this sport, the athlete sits in a little kayak and has to go through a course to beat the clock. What is it?
  • In this track and field event, the athlete tries to "put" a heavy steal ball down the field as far as they can. The ball is made of metal. What is it?
    Shot put
  • In this athletic event, athletes must run as fast as they can and jump over items on the track. What is it?
  • It's not frisbee, but in this sport that athlete throws something shaped like one. They try to throw it as far as they can. What is it?