
CAE - Phrasal verbs

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  • My son's planning to _______ journalism.
    mess about with
    go into
    do away with
    refer to
  • I don't want him coming in here and ______________ with our computers.
    getting out
    messing around
    stemming from
    doing away with
  • Their disagreement ____________ a misunderstanding.
    stemmed from
    got out
    refered to
    did away with
  • When I give my presentation, I will probably have _______ to my notes.
    go into
    refer to
    stem from
    set back
  • The opening of the new swimming pool has been ________ by a few weeks.
    set back
    refer to
    mess about with
    go into
  • A lot of the restrictions on imports have been ______________.
    done away with
    setted back
    gone into
    stemmed from
  • How did the problem __________ in the first place
    stem from
    go into
    come about
    mess about with
  • I left the door open and the cat _______.
    got out
    stem from
    refer to
    do away with