
Scientific Method

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  • What you guess will be the results of the experiment.
  • What can you do after the sixth step of the scientific method?
    Share your results
  • How can we test our hypothesis?
    With a test (experiment)
  • This step includes the materials and procedures.
  • What is the first step in the scientific method
    Asking a question (problem)
  • Your final thoughts about the experiment.
  • Things you see, hear, taste, smell, or touch.
  • Why do we conduct an experiment?
    To test a hypothesis.
  • What is the sixth step of the scientific method?
    Make a conclusion 
  • The way you test your question.
  • What you want to find out.
  • What is the second step in the scientific method?
    Create a hypothesis
  • What is the fifth step of the scientific method?
    Collect and analyse data
  • What is the third step of the scientific method?
    Identify the variables (study the theory)
  • What is the fourth step of the scientific method?
    Test the hypothesis with an experiment
  • Observations and data you take notes after an experiment.