
SC July 16/17 Is Designer Clothing Worth the Pri ...

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  • What's Ruby's opinion when people just start their conversation with "I like your bag"?
    She thinks it's shallow. You should not base your friendship on that.
  • Who was at the shopping mall first?
  • What does Ruby see at the restaurant?
    Lucy has already gone shopping without her.
  • What's fast fashion?
    Cheap , trendy clothes that people wear a handful of times and throw away.
  • Why does Lucy get the bag?
    She wants to fit in. It's a conversation starter.
  • Do you buy designer brand products? Why?
    Yes/ No.
  • What is medium price range?
    A price that's between cheap and expensive.
  • How long does Ruby plan to wear her clothes?
    She plans to wear them only for a season.
  • Name a few designer brands.
    Answer may vary.
  • What's the reason that Lucy keeps saying it's worth the money?
    The quality is good and it will last a long time.
  • What kind of clothes does Ruby buy?
    She tries to buy clothes in a medium price range.
  • What does it mean "paying top dollar"?
    Paying a lot of money.
  • Do you agree with Lucy or Ruby?
    I agree with .... because ...
  • Where are Ruby and Lucy headed ?
    They are going to the mall./ They are going window shopping.
  • Why does Lucy become defensive?
    She wants to find an excuse for her shopping at the designer shop.