
grade 3 unit 4

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  • What word means not smooth or level? name something that feels _________.
    rough, a ________ feels rough.
  • what word means something that is flat, no bumps. name something that feels _____.
    smooth, a ---- feels smooth.
  • What word means not nice to look at? what is something that is _____
    Ugly, a ______looks ugly
  • What word means not hard or firm to the touch? Name something that feels ____.
    soft, a ______feels soft
  • What word means something that is not soft? Name three something that feels _____.
    Hard, somethingthing that feels hard is ____, ___, ____,.
  • What word means a big noise or sound? Name something that sounds _______.
    loud, a ______ sounds loud
  • What word means something that looks, tastes, sounds, smells, or feels very bad ?
    terrible, a _____looks feels tatse terrible
  • what word means something that tastes good ? Name three things that taste_____.
    delicious, Three things that taste delicious are__,__,__.
  • What word means a small or soft sound? Name something that sounds ______.
    quiet, a _____ sounds quiet.
  • What word means something nice to look at? Name three things that are _____.
    beautiful, ____,___,___
  • What word means something that does not have water in it? Name three things that feel look or taste ___.
    Dry, Three things that look, feel, and taste dry are______,____,___.
  • What word means something made to stick to things when they touch?  Name something that feels______.
    sticky, Something that feels sticky is__.