
Random Baamboozle

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  • Continue the music: Hey Jude, don't make it bad.Take a sad song and make it better. ____________________________
    "Remember to let her into your heart, Then you can start to make it better"
  • What's your favorite movie? Explain why until the timer ends.
    Good explanation!
  • What movie is it?
  • Describe yourself in 10 words.
    Well, you did it! Good job!
  • What is Subject and Predicate?
    Subject is the person / thing that is doing the action. Predicate is the action that this people / thing is doing.
  • Describe a teacher (Ms. Lorrane, Ms. Priscilla, Mr. Maicon or Ms. Gisele)
    2 answers for these characteristics: "Thank you!" and "Are you serious??"
  • Dance like this:
    WOW! *shocked*
  • JOKE: There were two trucks flying. One fell. Why did the other one keep flying?
    Because the truck was a kite truck! *laughs*
  • Name a bad thing that happened in G5A.
    Uhh, but is there anything bad in G5A?
  • What are the 4 types of patterns?
    Growing Patterns, Shrinking Patterns, Repeating Patterns & Alternating Patterns
  • Give 5 examples of homophones.
    Too/Two/To, See/Sea, Bad/Bed, Wait/Weight, Plain/Plane, etc.
  • Name 1 security guy of Canadian School
    Jean, etc.
  • Think: 1 + 4 = 5, 2 + 5 = 12, 3 + 6 = 21, so 8 + 11 is?
    96, because 8 x 11 = 88 + 8 = 96!
  • Dance like this:
    You're a superhero!!!
  • Say fast and correct! A big black bug bit a big black bear and made the big black bear bleed blood.
    Uh, did your tongue stopped after this??
  • Who is this character?
    He - Men
  • Sing a part of Believer - Imagine Dragons
    WOW! You are a good singer!
  • What is matter?
    Matter is anything that has weight and takes up space.
  • What singer is it?
    Frank Sinatra
  • What is physical change? And what is chemical change?
    Physical change is when the change doesn't create a new substance, and chemical change is when the change does create a new substance.
  • If 1 = 11, and 2 = 22, 11 = ?
  • What's the longest word in English?
    It's Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, with 45 letters!!!!!
  • What are the 6 simple machines?
    Screw, Inclined Plane, Lever, Wheel & Axle, Wedge and Pulley
  • Name a new cartoon (It can't be Miraculous)
    Okay, right???
  • Create a meme.
    Wuhan: Brought the Coronavirus for the world / The world: GET WUHAN NOW!!!!!!!!