
Interested vs. Bored

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  • I am sitting straight up, with my body turned toward you and am looking at you. Am I interested, or bored?
  • Are these girls interested in the conversation?
    Yes! They are both looking and turned toward one another.
  • I am slouched forward and looking down playing with my zipper. Am in interested or bored?
  • Are these girls both interested in the conversation?
    Yes! Their bodies are facing each other, and they are looking.
  • You are showing me your new stuffie, and I say "Oh! It's so cute" with my voice quick and high. Am I interested, or bored?
  • If you are telling these kids a story, are they interested?
    No. They are not looking at you, and are looking at phones.
  • Are these kids interested in what their teacher is saying?
    No. Their bodies are slouched and they are looking away from the teacher.
  • Is this boy interested in what his mom is saying?
    Yes! He is turned toward her and looking.
  • Is this boy interested in what you are saying?
    No. His hand is on his face, and he looks bored.
  • Is the girl on the right interested in what the other girl is saying?
    No. She is not looking, her body is slumped down and turned away slightly.
  • I am turned away from you with my arms crossed. Am I interested or bored?
  • My voice is low and slow when I say "Yeah, that sounds like fun." Am I interested, or bored?
  • is this boy interested in what you are saying?
    No. He is looking at something else and slouched over.
  • Are these kids interested in the conversation?
    Yes! They are all facing inward to the conversation, they look happy, and are looking.
  • You tell me there is a pizza party tomorrow and I respond, "I love pizza parties" in a low and slow voice. Am I interested or bored?
  • Is this boy interested in what you are talking about?
    No. He is slouching forward and not looking.
  • Are these kids all interested in the conversation?
    Yes! They are all looking, turned toward each other, and laughing.
  • I am laughing at the joke you told, and I interested or bored?
  • Is this boy interested in what his mom is saying?
    No. His hand is on his face, he it turned and looking away from her.