
TEV - Apple - 14.07 - Review Vocab

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  • Name 3 Adjs to describe you
  • 5 Adjs to describe a bad job
    tiring, demanding, low-paid, unsatisfactory, stressful
  • 5 things you can do with homework
    do, discuss, submit, present, finish
  • The waiter forgets to s___e salad so we decide not to p___ f___ the bill.
    serve, pay for
  • Name 3 types of school that you have been in your life
    high school, college, university
  • Go _____ (4 V-ing, Topic: Outdoor Activities)
    swimming, shopping, camping, fishing
  • She wants to s___p for a nice pair of shoes but she needs to g___t a p____n because she wants to save momey.
    shop, get a promotion
  • My ideal working conditions are f____e hours, q____t spaces, and no drama.
    flexible, quiet
  • 3 verbs you can do with deadlines
    meet, submit, finish
  • Rearrange the order: A. Ask for a menu, B. Ask for a bill, C. Book a table, D. Tip a waiter/waitress, E. Enjoy the meal
    C - A - E - B - D
    B - C - E - A - D
    B - A - D - E - C
    C - E - D - B - A
  • L____s cars are usually un_____e.
    Luxurious, unaffordable
  • Name 3 alcoholic drinks and 3 non-alcoholic drinks
    beer, wine, vodka / juice, smoothies, tea
  • Name the places which you can find: 1. Books, 2. Phones, 3. Sofas, 4. Milk, 5. Dresses
    1. Bookstores, 2. Electrical supermarkets, 3. Furnishings stores, 4. Supermarkets, 5. Boutiques
  • Name 4 positive Adjs to talk about food
    tender, organic, nutritious, wholesome
  • After finishing dinner with your friends, you can choose to t____t e____e or s___t the bill.
    treat everyone, split the bill
  • Name 4 negative Adjs to talk about food
    disgusting, tough, inorganic, unhealthy
  • Name 3 things you can do with the floor
    mop/ clean/ dust the floor
  • Name 5 things you like to buy at convenience stores
  • Name 3 types of vegetable/ fruit drinks
    smoothies, juice, lemonade
  • Name 4 Adjs to talk about coffee
    strong, foamy, milky, fresh
  • Another word for "to buy": to p____e
  • As project leader, you need to a____e jobs to people.
  • Safe windows, floors and flexible schedule are good w____g c______s.
    working conditions
  • Which group is consistent in the meaning of words?
    tight, leisurely, revitalizing
    typical, unusual, fixed
    regularly, seldom, twice every 2 weeks
    strenuous, depressing, hectic
  • I am unhappy _____ how my mother allocates the housework to me and my brother. (preposition)
  • To collect ____ (2 nouns, topic Work)
    information, data
  • If you want to return your clothes, please l___ up one after another.
    line up
  • Name 6 flavors of food
    Bitter, bland, salty, sweet, sour, spicy
  • My task is too t_____g because I need to m___ d____s and a____e m_____s at the same time!
    time-consuming, meet deadlines, arrange meetings
  • Name a subject which is theoretical and a subject which is practical
    Physics - PE
  • Address students in university with different names
    a 1st/2nd/3rd/4th year student
  • I hate to b____n when I buy clothes at the flea market.
  • Do you usually like t____ p___s and have a c____n with friends at the cafe?
    take photos, conversation
  • Another way to say homework: an a_____t
    an assignment
  • Name 3 types of dishes in a full-course meal
    an appetizer, a main course, a dessert
  • Name 4 things you can do with clothes
    hang/ iron/ sew/ fold
  • Name 5 types of coffee
    latte, macchiato, iced coffee, cappuccino, mocha
  • To work without effort (Adj)