
YI1 - quantity

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  • How many or how much? _____ information is on the internet?
    How much
  • a little or a few? Ten minutes late, enjoy your pizza with ___salad on the side.
    a little
  • Much or many: They never do __homework.
    much (uncountable noun)
  • a little or a few? Why not invite ___friends to join you?
    a few
  • a little or a few? Cut ___small tomatoes in half and put them between the mushrooms.
    a few (countable noun)
  • Much or many: There aren't ___people in our village.
    many (countable noun)
  • a little or a few? Finally, add ____more cheese and ___olives and cook the pizza in a hot oven.
    a little - a few
  • Much or many: Have you got ___information about university courses?
    much (uncountable noun)
  • Much or many: Did ___people go to see your school show?
    many (countable noun)
  • How many or how much? _____ bones are there in the human body?
    How many
  • How many or how much? _____ water is in the ocean?
    How much
  • Much or many: Do you get ____tourists here in the summer?
    many (countable noun)
  • a little or a few? Take your ready-made pizza base and add ___cheese.
    a little
  • How many or how much? _____ stars are there in the sky?
    How many
  • a little or a few? Slice ___mushrooms and ___ham and sprinkle on top.
    a few - a little
  • Much or many: I don't spend __time in my bedroom.
    much (uncountable noun)