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  • IDIOM - Find the French equivalent : When pigs can fly.
    Quand les poules auront des dents. (jamais)
  • WORD LIST - Choose a name for this word list : path / ducks / bench / swing
  • DANCE CHALLENGE - Do the MACARENA dance or the WAKA WAKA dance. /
  • IDIOM - Find the French equivalent : Be skinny as a rake.
    Etre maigre comme un clou./ N'avoir que la peau sur les os.
  • ODD ONE OUT - Find the odd one out and explain : children / peas / sheep / women
    peas (not an irregular plural noun)
  • IDIOM - Find the French equivalent : As blind as a bat.
    Myope comme une taupe.
  • RIDDLE - You see me once in June, twice in November, but not at all in January and May. What am I?
    The letter e !
  • NAME 5 - Name 5 irregular verbs (x3 forms and French)
  • RIDDLE - You are in a dark room with a candle, a fireplace and a gas lamp. You only have one match, so what do you light first?
    The match !
  • BLIND TEST 1 - Who sings that song?
  • BLIND TEST 2 - Who sings that song?
  • NAME 3 - Name 5 things that are yellow.
    banana, lemon, butter, daffodil, chick, emoticon, sunflower, tennis ball, potato, chips, crisps
  • RIDDLE - David's parents have four sons : Jack, Jake, James and what 's the name of the fourth son?
    David !
  • ODD ONE OUT - Find the odd one out and explain : Brazil / Ecuador / Spain / Chile / Argentina
    In Brazil, People don't speak Spanish (Portuguese). / Spain is not in South America.
  • RIDDLE - Mr Blue lives in a blue house. Mr Yellow lives in a yellow house. Mr Red lives in a red house. Who lives in the White House?
    The president of the USA !
  • WORD PAIRS - Complete the pairs : fish and ... / this and ... / husband and ... .
    fish and chips / this and that / husband and wife