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  • Order fish and vegetables.
    Can I have / I'll have the fish and vegetables.
  • Offer some coffee.
    Would you like some coffee?
  • I wanted ______ apples but there weren't ______ at the market. (some or any)
    I wanted some apples but there weren't any at the market.
  • How do you say: ela não gostou da pizza.
    She didn't like the pizza.
  • How do you say: que horas o filme começou?
    What time did the movie start?
  • How do you say: eu vou visitar minha avó amanhã.
    I'm going to visit my grandma tomorrow.
  • Say in English: o ônibus estava atrasado.
    The bus was late.
  • We didn't _______ (to have) coffee for breakfast, we ______ (to drink) tea.
    We didn't have coffee for breakfast, we drank tea.
  • What did you eat for breakfast today?
    I ate/had .....
  • How do you say: nós chegamos atrasados no restaurante.
    We arrived late at the restaurant.
  • What are you going to do tomorrow?
    I'm going to ....
  • Say in English: onde você foi ontem à noite?
    Where did you go last night?