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  • What does SAMR stand for?
    Substitution - Augmentation - Modification - Redefinition
  • What is the difference between PROSUMER and CONSUMER?
    A PROSUMER can produce & consume content whilst the CONSUMER can only consume content.
  • What is a Web 2.0 tool?
    It is a tool that allows collaboration and more interactivity amongst prosumers. It allows for creation of content.
  • In the SAMR model, in which stage does technology act as a direct tool substitute with functional improvements?
    The Augmentation stage.
  • What are the four C's?
    Collaboration - Critical Thinking - Creativity - Communication
  • What does LOTS stand for?
    Lower Order Thinking Skills (Remembering - Understanding - Applying)
  • Is it essential to use all the elements of games in a gamified activity?
    No, it isn't. But the more elements you use, the more it resembles a game.
  • Why is it important to gamify our lessons?
    Students are empowered. It builds motivation.
  • Which are the 6 levels of cognition according to Bloom's Digital Taxonomy?
    Remembering, understanding, applying, analysing, evaluating, creating
  • What is Gamification?
    The gamification theory in education is that learners learn best when they are also having fun. The definition of gamification is the use of game-design element
  • With which app can we create an avatar?
  • Which app helps us create polls?
  • What can we use Symbaloo for?
    To create learning paths for our students.
  • Why should teachers use web 2.0 tools?
    To have a dynamic class and improve the way students will learn through technology.
  • What is the core concept of game-based learning?
    The core concept behind game-based learning is teaching through repetition, failure and the accomplishment of goals.
  • What is a Web 1.0 tool?
    It is a web in which consumers get information from, and are not allowed to collaborate.
  • What does HOTS stand for?
    Higher Order Thinking Skills. (Analysing - Evaluating - Creating)