
Revision Units 1 to 3

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  • Complete the answer. Use mine, his, hers, theirs, ours, its, yours
    It's his
  • What's your mother/father routine?
    He gets up at.....
  • Order the question
    Whose are these checked boots?
  • Describe your best friend: physical appearance
    She/ He has got....He is.....
  • What's the matter with her?
    She's got a cold
  • Make a phrase. Use this, that, these, those and an adjective
    that colorful necklace
  • Make the question. He's got a temperature
    What's the matter with him?
  • What's the matter with him?
    He's got a stomachache
  • Order the question
    Whose is that woolen hat?
  • Complete the answer. Use his, hers, mine, yours, theirs, its
    They're yours
  • Make a phrase. Use this, that, these, those and an adejctive
    this stripy unbrella
  • Describe this person
    She is...She has got....
  • Make a phrase. Use this, that, these, those and an adjecive
    those stripy gloves
  • What's your morning routine? Make at least 5 sentences
    I get up at...Then....Finally
  • Order the question
    Whose are those spotty gloves?
  • Make a phrase. Use: this, that, these, those and adjectives
    these spotty shoes
  • Make a phrase. Use this, that, these, those and an adjective
    these spotty socks