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  • Ned decided to find a ________ deed to impress Gladys.
  • Why couldn’t the professor stay longer in South America?
    Because of wet season
  • What was Ned’s job?
    He was a reporter.
  • What creature did Ned see in the sketchbook?
    The head was like a bird, the body of a large lizard with the tail covered in spikes.
  • Why did professor Challenger chose South Africa for his expedition.
    It was an unknown land and he wanted to explore it.
  • What happened when Ned met the professor for the first time?
    They argued/they had an argument/they had a fight
  • What was Gladys’ ideal?
    A strong man, a man who can look Death in the face.
  • Whose sketchbook did the professor show Ned?
    Maple White’s, an artist from Detroit who was dead.
  • Why do you think Ned decided to speak to the professor although many people said he was a terrible person?
  • Why do you think Ned didn’t give professor Challenger in charge?
  • Where did Ned find companions for his trip to South America? Who were these people?
    At the Zoological institute. Mr Summerlee, the professor and Lord John Roxton, a famous traveller.
  • Where did professor Challenger go on an expedition?
    To South America.
  • Who did Ned’s boss recommend him to meet?
    Professor Challenger
  • Why didn’t Gladys agree to marry Ned?
    She had an ideal she loved.
  • What makes the professor angry?
    When people don’t believe him.
  • Who did Ned love?
    He loved Gladys
  • Why was there a man standing next to the lizard in the sketch?
    To give a scale