
Kids are Inventors, too

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  • 3. What did Reeba Daniels invent?
    Washer and dryer combo
  • 12. True - False: Reeba created an all-in-one washer/ dryer by herself.
  • 4. Who invented the ear muffs?
    Chester Greenwood
  • 6. T or F: Adults make better inventors than kids.
  • Who motivated Josh to invent the prosthetic glove?
  • 8. How have earmuffs changed since Chester Greenwood invented them?
    All earmuffs now can block out noise.
  • 9. What did David Potter need help doing?
    throwing a ball
  • 1. Chester Greenwood applied for a "patent" so that
    other people couldn't steal his idea.
  • 10. What was Reeba's first idea to innovate?
    an automatic pet feeder
  • 7. What did Josh Parson's invent?
    A special baseball glove