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  • MAKE A CAUSATIVE >>> I'm going to do my food shopping online and I ____________________________ (the food / deliver) to my house
    Am going to have the food delivered
  • IMPERSONAL PASSIVES >>> we discovered the student had plagiarised - it __________________
    it was discovered that the student had plagiarised
  • CORRECT THE SENTENCE >>> Then I realised that none of the guests had been sent an invitation
  • CORRECT THE SENTENCE >>> This swimming pool is used by over a thousand people each week
  • SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION >>> People believe that someone murdered Jenkins. >>>was >>> It _______________________ murdered.
    Is believed that Jenkins was
  • SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION >>> Last Thursday we appointed a new marketing manager. >>>WAS >>>A new _____________________ last Thursday.
  • IMPERSONAL PASSIVES >>> People believe that he lied in court. - he _________
    he is believed to have lied in court
  • CORRECT THE SENTENCE >>> Customers are request to ask for a receipt.
    Customers are requested to ask for a receipt.
  • IMPERSONAL PASSIVES >>> People believe that he lied in court. - it __________________
    it is believed that he lied in court
  • COMPLETE WITH THE CORRECT TENSE >>>If there is too much snow, the match ___________________(cancel)
    wil be cancelled
  • COMPLETE WITH THE CORRECT TENSE >>> Sue told us her baby __________(born) two weeks earlier than expected
    had been born / Was born
  • MAKE A CAUSATIVE >>> If you can't see properly, you should _______________________________(your eyes / test)
    Have your eyes tested
  • CORRECT THE SENTENCE >>> My car has being stolen
    My car is being stolen
  • CORRECT THE SENTENCE >>> When was this church built?
  • MAKE A CAUSATIVE >>> Sarah isn't making her own wedding dress, she _______________________________(it / make) by a designer in Italy.
    Is having it made
  • MPERSONAL PASSIVES >>> People believe the company stole over a million pounds - the company ____________________
    the company is believed to have stolen over a million pounds
  • COMPLETE WITH THE CORRECT TENSE >>> When _____________(tell) about the new rules?
    were you told
  • MAKE A CAUSATIVE >>> Are they going to paint the kitchen themselves, or __________________________ (it / paint)?
    Are they going to have it painted
  • CORRECT THE SENTENCE >>> An address is writing on the back of the envelope.
    An address is written on the back of the envelope.
  • CORRECT THE SENTENCE >>> The hole in the road was being repaired when I came home
  • MAKE A CAUSATIVE >>> ____________________________ (you / ever/ anything / steal) from your house?
    Have you ever had anything stolen
  • COMPLETE WITH THE CORRECT TENSE >>> Their new house _____________(finish) yet
    Hasn’t been finished
  • CORRECT THE SENTENCE >>>Jack was borned on a Thursday
    Jack was born on a Thursday
  • IMPERSONAL PASSIVES >>> we expect the train strike will begin tomorrow - it ____________________
    it is expected that the train strike will begin tomorrow.
  • IMPERSONAL PASSIVES >>> we discovered the student had plagiarised - the student ________________
    the student was discovered to have plagiarised
  • SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION >>>Smith Ltd are supplying our company with furniture >>>>supplied >>>Our company _____________________ by Smith Ltd.
    Is being supplied
  • MAKE A CAUSATIVE >>> Your hair is too long. You need ____________________(it / cut)
  • IMPERSONAL PASSIVES >>> People believe the company stole over a million pounds - it ________________________
    It is believed that the company stole over a million pounds
  • CORRECT THE SENTENCE >>> Your order will been sent as soon as possible
    Your order will be sent as soon as possible
  • MAKE A CAUSATIVE >>> We usually _______________________________ (the bedrooms / redecorate) every two years.
    have the bedrooms redecorated
  • COMPLETE WITH THE CORRECT TENSE >>>The robbers ______________(arrest) as soon as they left the bank
    were arrested
  • CORRECT THE SENTENCE >>> Mary’s car is being serviced today