
Inside Out Part One Vocabulary

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  • What does 'to stall' mean?
    It means to stop making progress
  • What does success mean?
    It means the opposite of failure.
  • What does 'lucky dog' mean?
    It means an extremely lucky or fortunate person.
  • What does 'to wonder' mean?
    to be interested in knowing something.
  • What does unqualified mean?
    It means not having the skills, knowledge, or experience needed to do a particular job or activity.
  • What does 'step on it' mean?
    It means to go faster, usually in a motor vehicle.
  • What doe poison mean?
    It means to cause someone to die or to become ill by using a harmful substance
  • What does opportunity mean?
    It means a chance for something good to happen.
  • What does dangerous mean?
    It means likely to cause injury
  • What does realise mean?
    It means to become aware of something
  • What does caution mean?
    It means care taken to avoid danger or mistakes.
  • What does 'a page turner' mean?
    It means a book that is so exciting and interesting you want to read it quickly.
  • What is a disaster?
    It is a really bad misfortune, a setback, a failure.
  • What does 'off days' mean?
    It means a day when things go badly.
  • What is a mistake?
    It is an error or wrong judgment about something.
  • What is a memory?
    It is something remembered from the past.
  • What does argue mean?
    It means to fight about something using words.
  • What is a goffball?
    It is a silly person.
  • What is a score?
    It is numbers that show which team is winning.
  • What is a personality?
    It is characteristics and ways of behaving that make a person different from others.
  • What is a curse?
    It's an insulting word used to express anger.
  • What does 'to gag' mean?
    It means to choke
  • What does brag mean?
    It means to talk in a way that shows too much satisfaction in yourself or your abilities.
  • What is rabies?
    It is a disease carried by dogs, cats, and other animals, that can be spread to humans who are bit by an animal with the disease.
  • What does 'under a lot of pressure' mean?
    It means to have many things that you need to deal with.
  • What is long-term?
    It is when somethings happens over a long period of time.
  • What does 'put your foot down' mean?
    It means to tell someone in a strong way what to do.
  • What are headquarters?
    They are a main office or place where decisions are made by leaders.
  • What does core mean?
    It describes something central, very important.
  • What is a daydream?
    It is imagining something when awake.
  • What does shivery mean?
    It means to shake as a result of being cold, frightened, or excited.
  • What is a manual?
    It is a book of instructions, especially for operating a machine or learning a skill.
  • What does 'a breakdown' mean?
    It means not being able to function because your mind is not working correctly (often because of stress).