
Our World Is Many Shades

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  • In the dictionary, does the word Teacher come before or after the word Student?
  • In the dictionary, does the word Frog come before or after the word Sun?
  • What Chinese festival is celebrated with a firework show?
    New Year
  • On, under, in and above are all what type of word?
  • What Chinese festival is held at the end of the Spring Festival?
    The Lantern Festival
  • An adjective describes what type of word?
    A noun or a pronoun
  • What can we use to find the definition of words we do not understand?
    A dictionary
  • An adverb describes what type of word?
    A verb
  • Realistic fiction is about things that can really happen. True or False?
  • A naming word is called what?
    A noun
  • When do people eat Moon Cakes?
    During the Mid-Autumn Festival