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  • ESFP- the entertainer (藝人)
    You love to have fun.
  • ENFJ - the protagonist (主角)
    You are charismatic and a leader
  • ESTJ - the executive (執行官)
    You manage people well.
  • ESTP - the entrepreneur (企業家)
    You are energetic and understand people well.
  • ISTJ - the logistician (後勤人員)
    You are practical and love facts.
  • INTP - the logician (邏輯學家)
    You want to know everything.
  • ISFJ - the defender (後衛)
    You protect others.
  • Judging (J)
    You have a plan for everything. You're organized.
  • Extrovert (E)
    Someone who gets energy from outside himself/herself
  • ENTJ - the commander (指揮官)
    You are a leader.
  • ISTP - the virtuoso (有德的)
    You love using tools.
  • Feeling (F)
    You make decisions depending on your feelings.
  • ESFJ- the consul (領事)
    You are caring and like to help people.
  • Perceiving (P)
    You like to go with how you feel at that moment.
  • ENTP - the debater (辯論)
    You love having debates/arguments.
  • ENFP - the campaigner (活動家)
    You are popular with people.
  • Introverted (I)
    Someone who gets energy from within,
  • INTJ - the architect (建築師)
    You have a plan for everything.
  • INFJ - the advocate (倡導者)
    You are an idealist.
  • INFP - the mediator (調解人)
    You are kind and love helping others.
  • Thinking (T)
    You make decisions depending on how you think
  • ISFP - the adventurer (冒險家)
    You love to explore new things.