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  • You’ll find me in Mercury, Earth, Mars and Jupiter, but not in Venus or Neptune. What am I?
    The letter “R.”
  • Mrs. Brown has 5 daughters. Each of these daughters has a brother. How many children does Mrs. Brown have?
    They have 6 children. Each daughter has the same brother. There are 5 daughters and 1 son.
  • It belongs to you, but your friends use it more. What is it?
    Your name
  • What can jump higher than a building?
    Anything that can jump — buildings don’t jump!
  • There’s only one word in the dictionary that’s spelled wrong. What is it?
    The word “wrong.” It’s the only word that’s spelled W-R-O-N-G.
  • You’re running a race and at the very end, you pass the person in 2nd place. What place did you finish the race in?
    You finished in 2nd place
  • What has hands and a face, but can’t hold anything or smile?
    A clock
  • How many months of the year have 28 days?
    All of them! Every month has *at least* 28 days.
  • I’m orange, I wear a green hat and I sound like a parrot. What am I?
    A carrot
  • What goes away as soon as you talk about it?
  • When Grant was 8, his brother was half his age. Now, Grant is 14. How old is his brother?
    His brother is 10. Half of 8 is 4, so Grant’s brother is 4 years younger. This means when Grant is 14, his brother is still 4 years younger, so he’s 10.
  • What 2 things can you never eat for breakfast?
    Lunch and dinner.
  • I make a loud sound when I’m changing. When I do change, I get bigger but weigh less. What am I?
  • What can you put between 7 and 8, to make the result greater than 7, but less than 8?
    A decimal point. Your result would be 7.8, which is between 7 and 8.
  • Kate’s mother has three children: Snap, Crackle and ___?
    Kate! It’s Kate’s mother, after all.