
How Much Do You Know About Ancient China?

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  • A family member wants to kill the emperor. You tell a government official. What happens if your information is right? What happens if your information is wrong?
    If right: you get beaten 100 times. If wrong: you get strangled.
  • One group in the social structure was seen as untrustworthy and was least respected. Which group was this?
    Merchants and traders
  • What is the procedure called when very tiny needles are put into the body's pressure points?
  • What 2 jobs were women allowed to have in ancient China?
    Scholar and physician (doctor).
  • How could a new bride gain the respect of her husband's family?
    By giving birth to a son.
  • Define "scholar".
    People who are well-known for their learning/people who are highly educated.
  • What group was not considered as part of Ancient China's social structure?
    Servants and slaves
  • If a person rules China, they are called an _____________?
  • Before Buddha created Buddhism, what was his name?
    Prince Gautama
  • Name the four religions of ancient China.
    Folk religion, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism
  • What does "Shi Huang" mean?
    First Emperor
  • In China, what land feature is located in the north?
  • Ancient China's social structure was based on two codes: r__________ and h_________.
    respect and honour
  • The Chinese writing system uses pictograms or c_____________.
  • Rice is grown in water-filled fields called ____________.
  • What did girls in ancient China have to do to their feet?
    Bind them
  • Why is the Yellow River yellow?
    Because of the yellow earth (or loess) surrounding the river.
  • If a natural disaster happened in ancient China, what would happen to the emperor?
    He would be replaced- it was seen as a sign that the gods did not respect him.