
What would you say if....

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  • You see someone hit your coworker's car when he pulled out of the parking lot. Your coworker doesn't know about it.
  • Your friend said "I'm feeling kind of sad today."
  • Tu compañera de trabajo trajo galletas por su cumpleaños, y tú tomas una y es horrible.
  • You see your boss in the hallway at work, and you really really need to talk to him, but he is talking to someone else right now.
  • An adult asks you how was your weekend, but your weekend was not pleasant - you were sick and you ran out of groceries, and you didn't have time to clean up your room.
  • Your aunt said "I just got engaged!"
  • You tripped and knocked your friend's soda off the table.
  • You just got to work, and you realize you forgot to bring an important paper that your boss needed today.
  • You call your beauty salon and ask to make an appointment for a hair cut with your hair stylist, Julie. The person who answers the phone says that Julie no longer works there.
  • You came in late to class, and the teacher was explaining how to do a project.
  • Your friend introduced you to her brother.
  • Your friend asked if you liked her new haircut, and you really don't, but you don't want to hurt her feelings.
  • Te invitaron a la casa de tu amigo para comer pizza y se suponía que debías traer algunas bebidas. Te olvidaste por completo, así que llegaste a la casa de tu amigo sin nada.
  • Un compañero que no conoces tan bien dijo "Hay una fiesta en mi casa el viernes. ¿Querés venir?"
  • You get home from school or work, and you notice the project you've been working on is not where you left it. You look around and can't find it anywhere. You see your brother with some cut up papers and scissors.
  • Llegas al trabajo y ves que tu compañero  ha estado llorando. Tiene los ojos hinchados y está lloriqueando y sosteniendo un pañuelo en la mano.
  • You want to take next Friday off of work so you can go on a trip with your family, but you the boss has a hard time finding someone to work on Fridays.
  • Your dog was throwing up all night. You call the vet, and the vet says he doesn't have time to see your dog this week - maybe next week. But you are super worried about your dog.
  • You ran into someone you used to work with, but you forgot his name.
  • You meet the owner of your favorite pizza shop, who is also your neighbor, when you go for a walk. He asks you if you are still looking for a job.
  • A classmate you don't really like much asks you to come over and have a pizza. You really don't want to go, but you don't want to hurt her feelings.
  • Tu mejor amigo te dice: "Recién me compré el juego de play que tanto te gusta a vos".
  • You mixed up your schedule and forgot that you were supposed to work yesterday. You walk into work and your boss looks at you with a funny expression on his face.
  • You were chatting with your friend on the phone, but your mom started yelling "HELP!" from downstairs.
  • Your boss asks you to do an extra job that you have no idea how to do.
  • Tu amigo te dice: "Estoy muy preocupado, mi abuela está muy enferma, está internada en el hospital".
  • Dejaste caer la computadora de tu escuela y no funciona. Cuando llegas a la escuela, tu maestro dice "¡trabajemos con sus computadoras".
  • Your classmate accidentally steps on your special key chain your grandma gave you, and it breaks. She says, "I'm so sorry."
  • Your friend said, "I'm so excited!"
  • Your brother said you took his 20 dollar bill, but you actually didn't - but you did see it on the washing machine.
  • Your friend wants to go see a movie you already saw, and you really don't want to see it again, and you want to go see Frozen 3 instead.
  • Your boss asked you if you could stay late and clean up the office.
  • Your friend said "I had a terrible day at school."
  • Your friend said "There was a huge accident on the corner. I saw it on the way to school"
  • El compañero de  la clase de inglés que se sienta con vos te dice: "Creo que en esta prueba me va a ir mal, no entendí nada."
  • Estás en una parada de COLECTIVO, esperando QUE LLEGUE EL TUYO, y la chica con la que normalmente VIAJAS dice "Creo que el COLECTIVO ya vino y se fue".
  • Your friend asked you if you would help her shop for a gift, but you had an eye doctor appointment at that time.