
Stuck in the mud

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  • Who was stuck in the mud third?
  • What is Biff doing? Why?
    Biff is giving Dad a thumbs up because he is doing a good job.
  • Why does the sheep look shocked?
    Because Dad is pulling it
  • What is Floppy doing?
    Floppy is barking at the other sheep
  • Sequence the story. Who went in the mud first and second?
    Dad went first then Wilma and Chip
  • Who was stuck in the mud second?
    Dad/ Dad's boot
  • What are the children wearing? Why?
    A jacket/coat and rain boots/ wellies. Because it is cold and muddy
  • Who was stuck in the mud first?
    The sheep
  • What is the setting of the story?
    The countryside, a field, a farm
  • What page are the glasses on?
    Page 1
  • Why does the sheep look happy?
    Because Dad is going to help it get out of the mud
  • What is in Biff's hand? What is it used for?
    Floppy's lead so he can't run away.
  • Who are the characters in the story?
    Dad, Biff, Chip, Wilma and Floppy