
Trivia Quiz

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  • Where did victims stay until they had a place to live?
    The Housten Astrodome.
  • What did the rain remind Hector of?
    Another storm ten years ago.  Hurrican Katrina.
  • Which organization did Hector and his friends join?
    The Housten Helpers.
  • Where is New Orleans?
    In Louisiana.
  • Describe the group leaders.
    Kind, caring, helpful, thoughtful and mature.
  • What does spread the word mean?
    Tell other people.
  • What flickered across the sky?
  • What was on the backseat of Hector's car?
    A box of clothes.
  • What does volunteer mean?
    To help someone for free.
  • What is the name of the big storm in this story?
    Hurricane Katrina.
  • Who interviewed people during the storm?
    The TV news reporter.
  • What did the volunteers at Housten Helpers collect for the children.