
Living the high life

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  • Where is the high line? What type of place it is?
    In New York. it's a place where New Yorkers can escape the noise of the city and enjoy some peace and quiet.
  • When was the High Line developed into a green space?
    It was developed in 1999 when the Group of Friends of the Highline decided to make it a public green space.
  • Where can you sit when you watch TV?
    You sit on the sofa
  • When was the High Line built? What was initially used for?
    The High Line was built in 1847: it was initially used to transport meat, milk and other goods/products.
  • I start with the letter E, end with the letter E, and I have a letter inside me. What am I?
    An enveope
  • What were some of the disadvantages of the High Line when it was first built?
    It was dangerous; it needed to be guarded by men on horseback (Westside Boys); there were many accidents.
  • How has the development of the High Line area affected the New York economy?
    The development has generated $2billion for the city. The roads around are nicknamed "Architects' Row" because new businesses are springing up to be close to it
  • How long was the High Line abandoned for?
    The High Line was abandoned for 20 years.
  • I am a bird. I make a ‘hoot’ sound. I am usually awake at night. What am I?
    an owl