
Questions - Expert B1+

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  • __________ you ever been to New York? Yes, we __________. We went there a few years ago
    HAVE // HAVE
  • _______ you go to the movies? Yes, we __________, we watched Spider man
    DID // DID
  • What __________ you doing when we arrived? I __________ playing soccer
    WERE // WAS
  • __________ John been Studing English for a long time? No, he __________. He started about a month ago
    HAS // HASN'T
  • What _________ your new teacher like? She is nice. Very friendly and easygoing.
  • _________ we have to go to the meeting with the boss? Of course you do!
  • What __________ Lucy look like? She’s short and thin.
  • _________ Tim traveling now? No, he __________. He’s working
    IS // ISN'T
  • Why __________ you answer the phone when I called you? Sorry, I __________ listening to music so I didn’t hear it.
    DIDN'T // WAS
  • What _________ George like doing? He enjoys swimming, dancing and writting stories