
Body Systems Review

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  • What is the name of the main tube that carries air from the nose and mouth to the bronchi?
  • Which bone is the longest in your body?
  • How many quarts of blood are in the body?
  • What are the four parts of your heart?
    right ventricle, left ventricle, right atrium, left atrium
  • Define an involuntary muscle.
    An involuntary muscle moves without us telling it to move
  • What are two of the three functions of the respiratory system?
    1.) to supply oxygen to the body 2) to get rid of carbon dioxide 3) help you make noises
  • Define a voluntary muscle.
    A voluntary muscle moves when we tell it to move.
  • Which blood vessels carry blood filled with carbon dioxide back to the heart and lungs?
  • What is the waste air that is removed by the respiratory system?
    carbon dioxide
  • Which are the smallest blood vessels?
  • How many parts does your hear have?
  • What is the name of the muscle below the lungs that helps with breathing?
  • Which bones protect the lungs?
  • Where in the body are the blood cells made?
    bone marrow
  • Where is the smallest bone in your body found?
    in your ear
  • What is the gas used by your cells as they perform their jobs of keeping you alive and functioning?
  • How many parts does your heart have?
  • What is the name of the blood vessels that cover the alveoli in the lungs?
  • How many bones are in the body?
  • Which blood cell carries oxygen to the cells?
    Red blood cells
  • Which is the system that allows you to breathe?
    respiratory system
  • Which bone protects the brain?
  • Which is the liquid part of the blood that carries food to the body?
  • Which blood cell fights disease and helps kills germs?
    white blood cells
  • How big is your heart?
    About the size of your fist
  • What is the name of the hollow organ that connects the throat to the trachea and holds our vocal cords?
  • What are the largest blood vessels in the body?
  • What is the name of the two tubes that carry air from the trachea to the lungs?