
unit-9 grammar-1 & vocabulary-2

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  • Which …………….. is the school – north or south?
  • If our planet didn't have…….,we would fly away!
  • The more she pushes on the swing,
    the better you get
    the more dizzy she feels
    the higher she goes
    he faster he moves forwards
  • You can ………….to the left to turn your bicycle.
  • Please go …………. …………. me so I can be alone.
    away from
  • The more the skateboarder pushes
    he faster he moves forwards
    the higher she goes
    the more dizzy she feels
    the more we win
  • My family always watches the ice ………… the Olympics.
  • Can you help me …………………….this piece with that piece to finish this puzzle?
  • The more he goes round,
    the more she goes round
    the more he spins
    the more she goes up
    the more he goes down
  • The more she spins,
    the more she goes up
    the more he spins
    the more he goes down
    the more she goes round
  • When I was young, I liked my mum to push me on the ………………...outside.
  • You need to push ……………. on your skis or skates to stop.
  • The more she pushes,
    the higher she goes.
    the faster they go.
    the higher he goes.
    the slower we go.
  • The more they spin,
    the higher she goes.
    the slower they go.
    the higher he goes.
    the faster they go.
  • The more you play football
    the more dizzy she feels
    the better you get
    the faster he moves forwards
    the more we win
  • It's harder to skate……………..than it is to skate forwards.
  • The more he pushes down
    the slower she goes.
    the higher she goes.
    the faster they go.
    the higher he goes.
  • The……………from the engines makes the plane move.
  • I don't like when clothes ……………….against my skin.
  • The more he goes down,
    the more she goes up
    the more he spins
    the more he goes down
    the more she goes round
  • Run ……………. the goal and kick the ball in.
  • The more she goes up,
    the more she goes up
    the more he goes down
    the more he spins
    the more she goes round
  • The car's wheels cause ……………...with the road.
  • Before my sister learnt to ride her bike, she ……………...a lot.
    fell over