
What would you say/do IF....

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  • What would you do if your best friend called you to say he/she was going to the USA for a year
    If I heard that I would
  • What would you do if you witnessed a robbery
    If I had a phone I would
  • What would you do if you were hanging out with your friends and your mum called saying:" Sorry but you have to pick your younger sister from the kindergarten today."
    If my mum called I would
  • What would you do if your friend told you : " I had a really terrible day at school"
    If this happened to my friend I  would
  • What would you do if you came to the bus stop and the girl you usually sit next to on the bus said: "I think our bus has just left"
    If this happened  would.......
  • What would you do if you were offered a place at a really prestigious school abroad
    If I  was offered this I would
  • What would you do if you forgot about your friend´s birthday
    If I forgot I would.......
  • What would you do if you fell asleep during the lesson
    If I fell asleep i would
  • What would you do if you saw a ghost starring and pointing at you
    If it looked scary I would
  • What would you do if you came late for the lesson and there was nobody in the classroom when you entered
    If this happened to me I  would
  • What would you do if you saw a tiger in the park
    If I saw a tiger I  would
  • What would you do if you failed your final exam from English
    If I failed, which is quite unlikely, I  would
  • What would you do if you forgot your phone at home and you had to call you parents to pick you up
    If I forgot my phone  I would
  • What would you do if you woke up in the morning and your project work for school was gone
    If this was not just a bad dream I  would