
Word Check

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  • What does tough mean?
    It means hard and difficult to break.
  • What is glistened?
    Glistened means to shine like a bright light will glisten of a river.
  • What does homespun mean.
    It means a homemade garment.
  • What does British mean?
    It means you are a citizen of Britain or the UK.
  • What is a workers union?
    A group of people that get together to protect themselves against the boss.
  • What does cast mean?
    It means to throw something quickly.
  • What does glance mean?
    It means to look at something for just a short time.
  • What is a rebel.
    It means someone who goes against authority.
  • What is to twinkle?
    It means to shine brightly like in the song "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"
  • what does it mean to stand up?
    It means to speak up when you see something wrong happening.
  • What is a seamstress?
    A job to sew clothes together.
  • Who are your enemies?
    People who wish you harm.
  • Which three countries fought in the American war of Independence?
    Britain, France and the United States
  • What is a wagon?
    A cart with four wheels usually pulled by a horse.
  • What does innocent mean?
    It means that you have done nothing wrong.
  • What does sly mean?
    It means you are a tricky person and can trick people easily.