
Movies, Series & TV Shows

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  • _____ film genres do you like watching?
    WHAT film genres do you like watching?
  • _________ movie genres do you dislike?
    WHAT movie genres do you dislike?
  • _______ do you think of movies based on books?
    WHAT do you think of movies based on books?
  • _______ movie star would you like to meet?
    WHAT movie star would you like to meet?
  • ______ there's a new movie at the cinema, do you go to the cinema to watch it or do you wait until it is available online?
    WHEN there's a new movie at the cinema, do you go to the cinema to watch it or do you wait until it is available online?
  • _______ do you prefer, movies or series?
    WHICH do you prefer, movies or series?
  • ________ is the worst movie you have seen?
    WHAT is the worst movie you have seen?
  • ________ do you usually eat while you are watching a film at the cinema or at home?
    WHAT do you usually eat while you are watching a film at the cinema or at home?
  • Think of a movie you have seen many times: _______ ________ times have you watched it?
    HOW MANY times have you watched it?
  • _________ is the scariest movie you have seen?
    WHAT is the scariest movie you have seen?
  • _______ do people do during movies that really annoys you?
    WHAT do people do during movies that really annoys you?
  • _____ ______ hours did the longest movie you have watched last?
    HOW MANY hours did the longest movie you have watched last?
  • _______ is your favourite series?
    WHAT is your favourite series?
  • _______ is your favourite actor/actress?
    WHO is your favourite actor/actress?
  • _______ is your favourite movie hero?
    WHO is your favourite movie hero?
  • _______ do you prefer, animated movies or real movies?
    WHICH do you prefer, animated movies or real movies?
  • ______ _______ do you go to the cinema?
    HOW OFTEN do you go to the cinema?