
Trivia for teens 23

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  • which country has more population: Germany, Ukraine or Austria?
  • What game is this character from?
    Street Fighter
  • what country is this flag from?
    South Korea
  • what is taller: a hippo, a rhino or a buffalo?
    a buffalo
  • how big are roadrunners in real life? as big as a... a)chicken b)wolf c) ostrich d)elephant
    A.- they are around the same size as a farm chicken
  • What year did the first tamagotchi come out?
  • manatees are what type of animal?
  • Who is the main producer of apples in europe?
  • The lowest ever recorded temperature in spain was in 2021 in Lleida. How cold was it? -18 ºC, -25ºC, -34ºC
    -34ºC (actually -34,1ºC)
  • What is the name of this Pokemon?
  • What brand is this?
  • Which is the longest river in Europe?
  • How much bigger is china than spain? 5 times bigger, 12 times bigger, 19 times bigger or 25 times bigger?
    Spain is about 19 times smaller than China.
  • What brand is this?
  • On average what is heavier? a duck, a cat or a newborn baby?
    a cat is slightly heavier than a newborn baby (4 kg vs 3,5 kg average)
  • which type of bear is the only one that eats mainly plants?
    the panda bear
  • which animal is closest to humans regarding DNA composition?
    chimpanzees at 96% similarity
  • Do Jellyfish have brains?
  • what animal is this?
    a Narwhal
  • What is the name of this games console?
    Nintendo DS /3DS