
Passive voice

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  • They murdered Ghandhi in New Delhi.
    Ghandhi was murdered in New Delhi.
  • Isaac Newton discovered gravity.
    Gravity was discovered by Isaac Newton.
  • Stalin sent many Russians to labour camps.
    Many Russians were sent to labour camps by Stalin.
  • Leonardo da Vinci painted The Mona Lisa.
    The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.
  • They make ketchup from tomatoes.
    Ketchup is made from tomatoes.
  • Gagarin did the first space travel.
    The first space travel was done by Gagarin.
  • They didn't stop the cars.
    The cars weren't stopped.
  • They speak English and French at this hotel.
    English and French are spoken at this hotel.
  • Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.
    The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.
  • They make cheese from milk.
    Cheese is made from milk.
  • They wrote the test.
    The test was written.
  • The Wright brothers flew the first plane.
    The first pane was flown by the Wright brothers.
  • Drunk drivers cause many accidents.
    Many accidents are caused by drunk drivers.
  • Christopher Columbus discovered America.
    America was discovered By Christopher Columbus.
  • They named many places after Queen Victoria.
    Many places were named after Queen Victoria.
  • They published ten books.
    Ten books were published.
  • Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.
    The light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison.
  • Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.
    Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.
  • They grow rice in China.
    Rice is grown in China.