
Types of Conflict

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  • The family had little time to prepare. The hurricane would make landfall soon, but they didn't have all of the windows boarded up yet.
    Person vs Nature
  • Bob was tired of not having enough time to eat during his lunch period. He wrote a letter to the principal demanding that lunch be extended.
    Person vs Society
  • Kevin ate Sarah's lunch.
    Person vs Person
  • Name what type of conflict is used in this situation: two girls compete for the same role in the school play
    Person vs Person
  • John can't decide if he should go to the movies with his friends, or study for his history test.
    Person vs Self
  • A farmer trying to get his scared animals out of a barn that was struck by lightning and has caught on fire.
    Person vs Nature
  • Brian is trying to change the dress code at his school.
    Person vs Society
  • Macy longs to give up, but is trying to persevere until her project is complete.
    Person vs Self
  • Alex can't stay awake in class because she stays up all night on her phone. She can't bring herself to turn off the phone.
    Person vs Self
  • An external conflict that puts a character up against things like insects or weather is person vs.
    Person vs Nature
  • Jimmy ran to the basement just as the tornado started to touch down
    Person vs Nature
  • Sandra told all of her friends to stop talking to Chelsea because she didn't get invited to her birthday party.
    Person vs Person
  • Just when Julia reached the top of the mountain, she noticed large storm clouds ahead.
    Person vs Nature
  • Jen wasn't able to find her computer charger and was late for Ms. Herron's class this morning.
    Person vs Self
  • When a character goes up against the laws or beliefs of a group, it is called person vs. __________.
    Person vs Society
  • A forest fire destroyed five neighborhoods.
    Person vs Nature