
Art Vocabulary

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  • What does brilliant mean?
    Bright or Radiant
  • Something with very little color is ____
  • True a False: A landscape painting always has people in it
    False- it might have people, but they're not important
  • Using light or dark colors to make something three- dimensional is _________.
  • A landscape painting shows an area of land and landforms. What are landforms?
    Hills, valleys, mountains, rivers, lakes, etc...
  • Give two examples of contrast .
    light and dark colors, big and small objects, rough or smooth texture
  • The area around the subject of a painting is called
  • What is an exhibition?
    A special show usually inside a museum. It almost always has a theme.
  • Name three textures you might see in a painting.
    Sand, clouds, rope, a basketball, glass etc..
  • Using opposites together in art is called ______
  • Arranging your lines and the size of objcects in a drawing to show distance is called _______.
  • Texture in a painting can be tactile or implied? What is the difference?
    Tactile- you can touch and feel the texture. Implied- it just looks textured but is really smooth.
  • Give an example of what an exhibition might be about.
    dinosaurs, artists from 1990s -- anything!