
Present Perfect Mistakes

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  • I've been working here for 2017
    I've been working here since 2017
  • I've collected stamps for years. I'm looking for some more online.
    I've been collecting stamps for years. I'm looking for some more online.
  • The new Captain America has acted strangely lately, he must be in trouble.
    The new Captain America has been acting strangely lately, he must be in trouble.
  • I think I has made a mistake at the driving test.
    I think have made a mistake at the driving test.
  • I've been eating 5 cookies.
    I've eaten 5 cookies.
  • Half the characters in the Marvel movies have been disappearing 3 years ago.
    Half the characters in the Marvel movies disappeared 3 years ago.
  • Jack have repaired his car.
    Jack has repaired his car.
  • Enola Holmes has been first introduced in a series of novels before the show.
    Enola Holmes was first introduced in a series of novels before the show.
  • I've prepared sushi. It's not yet finished.
    I've been preparing sushi. It's not yet finished.
  • I've watched 10 movies last week.
    I watched 10 movies last week.
  • I played Fortnite for the last 4 hours. I'll play for 1 more.
    I've been playing Fortnite for the last 4 hours. I'll play for 1 more.
  • I haven't slept much last week.
    I didn't sleep much last week.
  • I've been watching 10 movies this week.
    I've watched 10 movies this week.
  • Johnny have been crying a lot lately because Lisa left him.
    Johnny has been crying a lot lately because Lisa left him.
  • I won the lottery! I can't believe it!
    I've won the lottery! I can't believe it!
  • Windows 10 has been released some years ago.
    Windows 10 was released some years ago.
  • You've working a lot, please take a break!!!
    You've been working a lot, please take a break!!!
  • Sam and Bucky hasn't solved all their problems yet.
    Sam and Bucky haven't solved all their problems yet.
  • I've been having every Playstation console since the first one.
    I've had every Playstation console since the first one.
  • Superman changed his costume. Now he wears black.
    Superman has changed his costume. Now he wears black.
  • I've seen the first Star Wars in 1977
    I saw the first Star Wars in 1977 / I've seen the first Star Wars
  • I've been done a lot of practice lately
    I've been doing / I've done a lot of practice lately
  • What have you did?! That vase was very valuable!!!
    What have you done?! That vase was very valuable!!!
  • Eleven and Max has became friends.
    Eleven and Max have become friends.