
Revision: oral exam 4th grade

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  • Answer the question: What's in your bedroom? (Name 5 things)
  • Answer the question: What toys have you got?
  • What is Jim wearing?
    He's wearing an orange and yellow T-shirt, blue jeans and red and white trainers (shoes).
  • What does Ted look like?
    He's got short grey hair, a grey moustache and black eyes. He's short and old.
  • What is Lizzie wearing?
    She is wearing a brown hat, a pink top (T-shirt), a blue skirt (blue shorts) and pink sandals.
  • Answer the question: What's in your kitchen? (Name 5 things)
  • Answer the question: Where are you from?
  • Answer the question: What languages do you speak?
  • Answer the question: What have you got in your bag?
  • What does Gemma look like?
    She's got blue eyes and grey hair. She is old and short. She is wearing glasses.
  • Answer the question: What's your favourite colour?
  • What is Sam wearing?
    He's wearing a blue and white woolly hat, a green sweater, blue gloves, blue trousers and blue shoes.
  • Answer the question: What does your mum look like? (min. 3 sentences)
  • Answer the question: What's your favourite meal?
  • What is the teacher wearing?
    She is wearing a black skirt, a purple jacket and black shoes.
  • Answer the question: What is your friend wearing today?
  • Answer the question: What are you wearing?
  • What does John look like?
    He's got blue eyes and short brown hair. He's young and thin. He is wearing glasses.
  • What does Carol look like?
    She's got long blonde hair and blue eyes. She's thin and short.
  • Answer the question: What do you look like? (min. 3 sentences)
  • Answer the question: What's your favourite number?
  • Answer the question: What kind of food do you like?