
Basic Verbs for Kids

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  • What are they doing?
    She's asking a question.
  • What are they doing?
    It's drinking.
  • What are they doing?
    She's standing up.
  • What are they doing?
    He's closing the door.
  • What are they doing?
    He's running.
  • What are they doing?
    He's writing.
  • What are they doing?
    He's jumping.
  • What are they doing?
    He's shopping.
  • What are they doing?
    He's sleeping.
  • What are they doing?
    He's looking
  • What are they doing?
    He's walking.
  • What are they doing?
    He's watching TV.
  • What are they doing?
    It's driving a car.
  • What are they doing?
    They're talking.
  • What are they doing?
    He's cooking.
  • What are they doing?
    He's thinking.
  • What are they doing?
    He's eating.
  • What are they doing?
    He's answering a question.
  • What are they doing?
    She's singing.
  • What are they doing?
    It's reading.
  • What are they doing?
    He's opening the door.
  • What are they doing?
    He's dancing.
  • What are they doing?
    It's playing.
  • What are they doing?
    He's crying.
  • What are they doing?
    He's smiling.