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  • If the temperature falls below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, water (freez)
  • If you (leave) the party early, we might never have met.
    had left
  • If I were in your position, I (say) anything.
    wouldn't say
  • IF you had locked the side door before we left for the movie, the burglar (get) in.
    would not have gotten
  • If we get more rain, the river (flood).
    is going to flood.
  • If you don't leave now, you ( miss) your plane
    will miss
  • If you (drive) to the city on Monday, you would miss all the weekend traffic.
  • If I (find) a wallet on the subway, I would return it to the owner
  • if I saw a crime being committed, I would (call )the police.
    would call
  • If Mozart were alive today, he (write) music for the movies.
    would write
  • If I had seen you at the mall, I (say) hello
    would have said
  • If the French had won the battle of Quebec, they (attack) the remaining British forces below Lake Champlain.
    would have attacked
  • If I knew Joan's telephone number, we (call) her.
    could call
  • We will go on a picnic if it ( rain).
    doesn't rain
  • If the French had won the battle of Quebec, we (speak) French today instead of English
    would probably be speaking /would speak
  • if he (break) something valuable like that vase, he would definitely pay for it.
  • If he hadn't run in and pulled her out of the burning house, she (kill).
    could have been killed
  • If l had studied harder, I (pass) the test now.
    I could pass
  • I (get) so wet now if I had remembered to bring my umbrella,
    wouldn't get
  • If a gas is heated, it (expand)
  • If I (know) you were coming, I’d have baked a cake.
    had known