
BS6 - U10 - LA

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  • Mention at least three short adjectives
    Check that your partner said the correct adjectives (strong, short, tall, high, nice, near, etc.)
  • Name at least two irregular adjectives in the comparative form
    better, worse, further.
  • We use the word _______ to indicate a comparison in an inferior degree.
    less --> This old computer is less fast than my smartphone.
  • Correct the sentence: This topic is more easy that the previous one.
    This topic is EASIER THAN the previous one.
  • What's the characteristic of the adjectives that we use with *more?
    They are long (two or more syllable sounds) . Example = Expensive
  • True/False = This sentence is correct: This videogame is funner than the old version.
    False --> Fun is an exception to the rule. This videogame is more fun than the old version.
  • What word goes after the comparatives?
    You need to use the word *than
  • What's the rule for COMPARATIVE ADJECTIVES that finish in -y? Example = Easy
    You have to replace -y and add -ier = Easier
  • What's the rule for COMPARATIVE ADJECTIVES that finish in C + V + C ? Example = Big
    You have to DOUBLE THE LAST CONSONANT and add -er. Example = Big --> Bigger