
Transformations B2

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  • It was the most exciting film I have ever seen. NEVER
    I have _____ exciting film.
  • I always went on holiday with my family to France every summer. WOULD
    I _____ on holiday with my family to France every summer.
  • There's a good chance that my team will win the cup this year. VERY
    It _____ my team will win the cup this year.
  • It's become easy for me to sing live as I do it so much. GOT/GOTTEN
    I've ______ as I do it so much.
  • When I was young I enjoyed listening to rock music but now I prefer classical. LISTEN
    When I was young ________ to rock music but now I prefer classical.
  • I never seem too find the time to read newspapers these days. ROUND
    I never seem to _____ newspapers these days.
  • Because I was really enjoying the trip I didn't want it to end. MUCH
    I was enjoying the trip ___ I didn't want it to end.
  • It seems as though they have cancelled the meeting. LIKE
    It _____ has been cancelled.
  • She was watching TV but turned it off when her son arrived. STOPPED
    She _________ when her son arrived.
  • I couldn't understand the lecture because it was so technical. FOR
    The lecture was _____ to understand.
  • It's possible that you met him at a party but it seems unlikely. COULD
    You _____ at the party but it seems unlikely.
  • He's so rich - I can't imagine how much money he earns every week. FORTUNE
    He must be _____ because he earns so much money every week.
  • I can't buy you everything you want because I just don't have enough money to do that. MADE
    I'm not ____ so I can't buy you everything you want.
  • I find watching TV quite relaxing in the evenings. FEEL
    Watching TV ______ in the evenings.
  • I think she is definitely telling us the truth. LYING
    She ______ to us.
  • It's not a good idea to owe money to another person. IN
    It's not a good idea to _____ to another person.
  • She's incredibly rich so she can buy anything she likes. BURN
    She's ________ because she is incredibly rich and can buy anything she likes.
  • I'm still working on that report. FINISHED
    I ______ that report yet.
  • I was cleaning the cupboard when I found an old diary. CAME
    I ______ when I was cleaning the cupboard.
  • I think I'm too impatient to be a teacher. ENOUGH
    I don't think ____ to be a teacher.
  • I don't go to live concerts very often. HARDLY
    I _____ live concerts.