
Rooms in a house

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  • Where's the mouse?
    It's in the cheese.
  • What is this?
    It's a toilet.
  • What room is it?
    It's a dining room.
  • What room is it?
    It's a bathroom.
  • Unscramble: NCHEIKT
  • What room is it?
    It's a sitting room.
  • What room is it?
    It's an attic.
  • Where's the mouse?
    It's behind the cheese.
  • What room is it?
    It's a garage.
  • What room is it?
    It's a hall.
  • Unscramble: ROIMWVECA
  • What room is it?
    It's a laundry.
  • What is this?
    It's a stove.
  • What room is it?
    It's a kitchen.
  • Where's the mouse?
    It's under the cheese.
  • What room is it?
    It's a bedroom.
  • Where's the mouse?
    It's on the cheese.
  • Where's the mouse?
    It's between the cheese.
  • Where's the mouse?
    It's in front of the cheese.
  • Where's the mouse?
    It's next to the cheese.
  • Unscramble: ENTBASEM
  • What is this?
    It's a fridge.