
My Next Grammar 1 Quiz 17,18

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  • p110. Write in, on, or at.
    Ted will be here on Sunday.
  • p110. Write in, on, or at.
    We usually have lunch at noon.
  • p110. Find the correct word.
    Children are walking on the road. Please drive slowly.
  • p110. Write in, on, or at.
    The soccer game in on September 4th.
  • p110. Find the correct word.
    We had a simple quiz this morning.
  • p111. Find the correct word.
    I finished my homework quickly.
  • p111. Find the correct word.
    My birthday is in May.
  • p110. Write in, on, or at.
    I was born in February.
  • p110. Find the correct word.
    She sang softly to her baby.
  • p110. Write in, on, or at.
    Let's meet at three o'clock.
  • p111. Find the correct word.
    Please write neatly in your notebook.
  • p110. Find the correct word.
    They played music loudly in the room.
  • p110. Find the correct word.
    The roller coaster was exciting.
  • p111. Find the correct word.
    We should study today. The exam is tomorrow.
  • p110
    Amy can write her name in Chinese.
  • p110. Find the correct word.
    I can answer that question easily.
  • p111. Find the correct word.
    The game starts at seven o'clock tonight.
  • p110
    It won't snow tomorrow.
  • p110
    My teacher came to Korea last year.
  • p110
    Did you visit your grandma yesterday?